Moxibustion is amazing - here's why!

Moxibustion is amazing - here's why!


It’s moxa season!

I will explain further. Moxibustion is the burning of mugwort herb over specific acupoints or areas. The effect is a penetrating heat that deeply warms the channels to generate Qi and increase the circulation. Moxa fortifies the exterior (essentially strengthening the immunity) and eliminates sensations of lingering cold or dampness.

This is helpful for general weakness, chronic colds or a feeling of chilliness in winter, icy winter hands and feet, tight muscles that are worse in the cold weather and some types of digestive irregularities.

There are certain “windows’ of time seasonally when a moxa treatment is especially effective and almost all of November is one of these windows!

You can book here for moxa and as it is very busy this time of year, if you cannot find any time in the schedule please do email me and I will do my best to accommodate you.

Finally, some home care that can banish cold is to place a heat pack over your low back covering the area from your lower ribs to just past your hips - this warms the source of Yang energy in the body!

Seasonal Balance - Winter

Seasonal Balance - Winter

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What is Acupuncture? : The Yin/Yang Edition