January Comfort

January Comfort


I’m so curious about the ways in which we all are finding comfort these days.

Last spring, cooking and feeling more connected and appreciative of our food as well as the extra time that many of us had to explore our kitchens, inspired many to find solace in the simplicity of preparing food from scratch.

Now we are managing the pandemic (which, in my theory adds about 30% more difficulty to life) in addition to our regular responsibilities. Cooking and other comforts seem to have fallen by the wayside. I’m struggling to find the motivation for creative meal planning, even while keeping the benefits of it in mind. Instead I’m going with the tried and true; rice and blanched veg with butter and roast chicken, soboro* for kids lunches, fried rice, tacos etc.

The name of the game is easy, easy food that won’t get complaints from children.

Besides getting veggies in all of us every chance that I can, my comfort has taken the form of hot chocolate (and watching Bridgerton while doing the dishes, but that is another post entirely!)

Harmonic Arts has a 5 mushroom blend of hot chocolate that is unsweetened and glorious. Usually I would add maple to it, but a friend recently introduced me to drizzle honey and I have been using their cinnamon spiced honey with great satisfaction in the concoction, finishing it off with a splash of oat milk .

This is pure delight, 2021 style.

Every time I make this, my daughter laughs at the idea that there’s mushrooms in her chocolate, we must be lying!

A word to the wise, don’t try this as a late evening treat as it does energize. I enjoy this mixture as something to look forward to in the afternoon, when I need some honey in my day.

*Our soboro is: ground meat + dashi + ginger + garlic + tamari = a lunch much greater than the sum of its parts, thanks to my brother-in-law.

On Cultivating  Resilience

On Cultivating Resilience

Our favourite healthy AND easy (green) breakfast.

Our favourite healthy AND easy (green) breakfast.